You can create categories to easily group your time entries to see where your resources are spending most of their time. You can define categories by name and set up “matchers” which allow you to create rules within a category to easily group your time entries depending on the application being utilized. Categories are displayed as a column on the Time page.

To set up categories:

  • Navigate to Categories

  • Click the Show/Edit Categories
  • Click Create New Category
  • Specify a Category name and Colour (see Figure 24)\
  • Click Save

Figure 24: Specifying a category name and colour

Once you have created your category, you will need to specify matchers within your category. Matchers are rules which will group your time entries to the specific category.

To set up your matchers

  • Navigate to Categories

  • Click Create New Category Matcher

  • Specify a category name

  • Choose the category to assign the matcher to

  • Specify the rules for application and title (see Figure 25).

    • IS – exact match based on entered phrase

    • CONTAINS – matches on phrase or part therof

    • ANY – any application
      * Important to note that ANY and ANY is not allowed.

Figure 25: Creating a category matcher.

In this example any time entries matching the application “Chrome” and title containing the word “BMW” will be grouped to the “Development” category.